You don’t have time to go out and train? Are the Parkour obstacles you love too far away and can’t reach them that easily? Why don’t you cut your work in half and build a Parkour park in your own home. It’s actually not that hard and it can be a great experience working on such a project. Plus, you will probably be the only one of your friends with his very own playground.
If you have a backyard or an apartment that you don’t fully use, you can use stuff lying around your yard or in the proximity of your house to build a park. You just need plenty of space and a couple of screws.
There are quite a few ideas on what you can build, so I’ll try to share with you the most common obstacles you can manufacture and the materials you can use to build them.
Bricks are amazing tools for conditioning. You can do push ups, calf raises and handstand pushup. This type of exercises increase the range of motion and makes it a whole new ball game.
You can also use bricks as power warm-ups. Holding a couple of those babies will definitely increase your warm-up exercise a couple of points.
If you plan on using them indoor, try to get harder bricks, that will not chip and make a red mess all over the place.
Rope can be used to perform rope jumps, shoulder dislocates and rope climbs. Most of the upper body exercises can be performed with a rope tied to a higher point. For example, you can tie it horizontally (between two trees) and move from one end to the other hanging over the ground.
If you have a place to tie it from, i strongly recommend it. This makes a great exercise for the upper body and when you’re not using it for conditioning, you can use it as a swing when you’re not training. Just kidding.
A small piece of tubing and a plank made of wood is great for balance practice. If you want to make your life harder on the balance board do not lock it in place and try to keep your balance.
You can use scaffolding for sit-ups and balance practice, placing it on the floor and locking it somehow. Anybody can do sit-ups on the floor. But it takes a master to do them on a rail.
If you have more, you can tie them together and build a playground out of bars.
A large rock can be dead-lifted pretty effectively. Also, they can be used for alternate push-ups, where you switch hands on the rock when you push up.
There are a lot of exercises you can do with a rock. The only limit is your imagination. For example, you can do crunches holding the rock firmly on your chest or you can use it as a counterweight for small jumping exercises.
Try not to exert yourself too much if the rock is extremely heavy. It may be a good idea to get more rock in different sizes.
A couple of bricks can be used for precision practice. The more the better, but do try to lock them in place first, else you will have to reposition them every time you hit them harder that expected.
A piece of pipe or rope held up by some bricks is ideal for jump overs. In the same time, you can use them for slide-unders. If you locked them securely in place, you can also vault over them or perform under-bars (If they are secure in place).
You can build a vaulting box from pallets or an old wooden door. This one is a little bit more tricky if you don’t have an electric screwdriver and jigsaw. But, if you do, you just need to buy a couple of screws and fix the pallet wood in place after cutting them to size.
Aside from vaulting boxes, you can also manufacture small boxes with a side inclination of 45 degree, for free running techniques, like blocking and j-step learning.
Once you have the right tools, just think about what fits in your space and start building.
You can use shovel tails or branches as wooden ‘railings’. To add to this you can use scavenged bricks to raise them from the ground. Use some rope or whatever you can find to tie the railing to the bricks, so it does not fall off.
These are just a few of the things you can do. I’m sure you can think of some of your own ideas. Go find some junk, build and train!